20 Below, Not Giving UpAt this point in the night the wind chills were hovering around negative 20 degrees. We arrive to one of the camps and walk below the...
PopsThe emotional ups and downs of outreach, long but worth the read. Last night I gave a friend a ride to the warming room at St Bens. I...
Hope 2 has Arrived!Teams. 2 teams, more area traveled=more connections. Tonight, Bob took the wheel of Hope 1 and led our volunteer crew through our normal...
Connections and InsightConnections and insight. Tonight we were joined our amazing partner Milwaukee County Housing First, Eric Collins-Dyke and James Mathy....
Restoring DignityI don't know how much hope I'd have left in me if I spent the night in a dumpster on one of the coldest nights this year. He got in the...